
Shoulder pain

Regarding the national library of medicine if you have or had shoulder pain once then the prevalence of that shoulder pain for a lifetime is between 6.7% to a high 66.7%.

Find a solution to that, stop the statistics and the suffering, here is how we can help.Shoulder pain or conditions evolve from different causes, such as overuse doing repetitive motion overtime, trauma, lack of muscle conditioning for the 5 muscles surrounding the glenohumeral (GH) joint capsule, misalignment (subluxation) of the humerus bone being partially outside of the GH joint overtime creates arthritic degenerative changes.

Shoulder pain

In our experience, GH joint conditions are completely related to scapulo-thoracic articulation misalignments.
We have a high rate of success with shoulder injuries by providing a full spine assessment; why? Because many shoulder conditions are related to pelvic, knee or foot issues that compensate creating hypomobility in the thoracic spine and affect the shoulder biodynamics. One of the recent shoulder pain cases we had was with 30 mm (1 inch) of lateral displacement of the thoracic spine coming as a compensation from
pelvic misalignments, then the shoulder was just accommodating to this issue, and it make sense, since the body it’s an structure and have to deal with gravity, that is why we need to see the entire frame of the spine to determine the cause of the shoulder problem.

If there is a trauma related to your shoulder pain, then we may need MRI or any other study that can help us identify the status of your shoulder.


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