Foot conditions?

72% of Americans will suffer from foot pain regarding the American Medical Podiatric

Foot Pain

Chronic foot pain?

Are you concerned about an old injury that now have altered your gait and your feet feel unstable, weak and / or swollen? Popping or grinding sounds are typical presentation of an old bone misalignment due to trauma or improper gait cycle.

Is this affecting you to walk, run, bike or just enjoy any activity making you feel old or sick? We are providing solutions to our community for foot pain, let us explain more:
The foot have 26 bones, all of them hold together by ligaments; when there is a trauma(even small trauma ones like hitting the night stand in the middle of the night) and you forget about that, then later on you develop weird popping sounds or start walking funny, this is your body creating a compensatory situation to prevent the pain or lack of
function, but you can identify the chronicity by the following findings:
1. Swollen in the area
2. Restricted mobility
3. Weakness in certain movements of the foot, most commonly pointing your toes
up or the sides on the affected foot compared to the other.
4. Grinding / popping sounds.


Chronic foot conditions we have experience helping with:

  •  Plantar fasciitis ( Heel spurs)
  •  Generalized Arch pain
  •  Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Morton Neuritis / Neuroma
  •  Metatarsal Phalangealitis
  •  Hammer Toe, Mallet Toe, Claw Toe.
  •  Bunion and Bunnionette.


In our office we have different treatment options; everything will start with evaluation; we need to do consultation and exam including x rays, or MRI or CT scan, set the right diagnosis; EXPLAIN TO YOU THE FINDINGS and the right treatment you may need. Solutions we offer for your foot injuries:
1. Foot adjustments: x ray analysis can help us to pinpoint which is the culprit of your foot pain, so we can accurately approach the right specific segments in your foot.
2. Shockwave therapy: if there is any ligament damage shockwave therapy have been showing impressive results in helping restore mobility, tissue repair and strength in as quick as the first treatment, we are amazed with this medical device and the impressive results.
3. Foot levelers: overtime, after certain age (or even young kids with weak foot arches) the foot lose the 3 arches of the foot, orthopedist and podiatrist focus only in one arch (Medial Arch of the foot) but the proper way to transform the foot physiology and even anatomy is to provide support to the 3 arches of the foot. In our clinic we offer customized orthotics that fit tridimentionally your feet, allowing us to determine the amount of pronation (Pronation Stability Index) and bilateral leg weight distribution, in many cases this orthotics by itself help with several hip, back and knee pain cases since it make the foundation (feet) stable.

Make an Appointment.